A little girl assembled her favorite stuffed-animals next to her younger brothers as she prepared them for a spelling test. The spelling tests were a frequent occurrence in the home located in the small town of Kingman, AZ. In school, the same little girl appreciated every opportunity she had to assist her teacher. She knew…
Warrior Woman Wednesday: Alli Gooch
Alli only places her energy into something she is 100% passionate about, and anything below that doesn’t make the cut for the ambitious high school senior. This system is working out for the Phoenix-native considering she has not only had seven films screened at professional film festivals, but also walked down the runway during New…
Warrior Woman Wednesday: Pandora Larsen
“Encourage…Inspire…Change Lives,” is the mantra which resonates for Highlands lifestyle director, Pandora. Through her mantra she accomplished her personal training and nutrition certifications, received the volunteer of the year award, was recognized as the “Staff Member of the Year” at the Northwest YMCA, and above all, raised a loving family. Meet Warrior Woman Wednesday, Pandora…
Warrior Woman Wednesday: Sarah Mitchell
Sarah brings her hula hoop to an afropunk music festival, in New York. Photo Courtesy: http://theeverybodyproject.com/ Landing a role in fashion is much sought after in the metropolitan city of New York. This week’s Warrior Woman Wednesday takes a turn into the fashion world to meet Sarah Mitchell! Sarah assists with the special projects at…