Memorial Day Weekend
On Saturday, I did my first ever bike fit and had aerobars installed! Look out for that post later this week. I needed to get my training in for my 70.3 Ironman and decided to stay in town. However, Alex and I still wanted to do something fun. He proposed the idea of a staycation for Memorial Day.
I haven’t done a staycation before but knew we had several options with the beautiful resorts in Tucson. We ended up staying at The Westin La Paloma Resort from Sunday thru Monday. The staycation was short and sweet, and the perfect amount to simply relax. The concept of “doing nothing” is hard for me but I was able to relax fully for one day!
While enjoying the BBQs and shopping
deals, always, ALWAYS, be aware of the men and women who sacrificed
their lives for our country. That is unconditional love. Thank you to
current and past service members for serving our nation. I hope everyone
had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend but took time to recognize the
brave individuals we have protecting the United States.
“There is a special sadness that accompanies the death of a
serviceman, for we’re never quite good enough to them– not really; we
can’t be, because what they gave us is beyond our powers to repay.”
-Ronald Reagan