For 21 years, Puttin’ on the Dog has been one of Tucson’s biggest events, and the Humane Society of Southern Arizona’s major fundraiser. To adapt to this year, the non-profit animal shelter switched to a virtual event and created a two-day Puttin’ on the Dog Tail-a-thon Program! From Saturday, Oct. 10 to Sunday, Oct. 11,…
Shangri-La Group Uses Heart in the Fight Against COVID-19
It does not surprise me that Shangri-La Group uses heart in the fight against COVID-19. During my international travels, I experienced a few different properties under the Hong-Kong based group. With each visit, I was impressed with their genuine care; they truly deliver hospitality from the heart. Sustainability, Shangri-La’s Corporate Responsibility Programme, strives to make…
How to Practice Kindness
Be the light in the darkness by helping others, so that light can grow into something greater and brighter. When we practice kindness, it is not only contagious but linked to a greater happiness. By doing our own part, we have the opportunity to better the world. A research team led by neuroscientist Jorge Moll…
How to Empower Women
Women can accomplish incredible things when they support each other. We live in a world where you have the freedom to spread hate or love. Why wouldn’t you choose to encourage others rather than shut them down? Here are three ways you can empower women: 1. Celebrate Her Success! Support a woman’s goals, dreams, ambitions,…